Tuesday, 4 October 2022

C de F : Day 2

 Day No.2 : Praia de Ninons to Ponteceso

Today: 16 miles

Todate:  30 miles - 24%

ToGo: 92 miles

Boots on the Beach: 09.30

Praia de Ninons

We were soon at Porta de Santa Marina.

A modern fishing port. 

But no sign of any fishing boats...

In these parts everyone knows Rudyard Kipling's advice:

IF you wake at midnight, and hear a horse's feet,
Don't go drawing back the blind, or looking in the street.
Them that ask no questions isn't told a lie.
Watch the wall my darling while the Gentlemen go by.

But we did see an Lone Angler:

And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.
Matthew 4:29

Of course, there were beaches & lighthouses:

Praia da Bardo

Exactly like in the Guidebook !!

Faro du Roncundo

Lunch was in Corme.

Great views from the restaurant:

Then it was on for the final 6 miles back to Ponteseco.

At 19.45 hours, never has a bridge been more welcome !

A long day out on the Camino dos Faros, but a rewarding one !!

Pilgrim Piper


The Wise Pilgrim always keeps up to date with his Washing 😉



  1. Looking good so far! Good luck from a UK groupie! Bx

  2. Beautiful! Enjoying the updates!!

  3. Washing already?!?

  4. Hi Ric ,

    The lunch looks great and glad you made the 16 miles . How many swims so far ? I hope the weather looks good .


  5. Well done Ric!
