Wednesday, 5 October 2022

C de F : Day 3

Day No.3 :  Ponteceso to Laxe

Today: 15 kms

ToDate:  63 kms : 34%

ToGo: 124 kms

Out on  the far western of Continental Europe it is still dark at 8 in the morning:

But, having eaten breakfast & checked out, by just after 08.30 we were good to go.

But in Ponteceso the supermarket - for food for our picnic - only opens at 09.00.

The Wise Pilgrim knows to keep up with his domestic duties:

 Having sorted the picnic, we were soon on our way.

The usual beaches and views:

Down on the estuary some were hunting for their own picnic:

This was a much easier & shorter walk than yesterday.

By not too long after 14.00 we had reached our hotel, right on Praia de Laxe:

After a well-deserved Estrella Galicia, there was time to walk along the beach to the church of Santa Maria da Atalaia.

When Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492 ... Pilgrims had already been visiting for close to two hundred years !!

A good day !!

Pilgrim Ric


On Pilgrimage when problems arise, every town needs a Bazar Laxe Hong FA.

Solutions for Problems you didn't even know you had !!


  1. I am amazed at your laundry regime!

    1. Well done Ric . keep ticking off the kilometres . BTW Why kilometres ?
      I’m on my way to the Iberian peninsula today, but further south than you …
      Sunny Andalusia where it’s still in the upper 20ies . Thankfully I’m not planning to do anything more energetic than raise a glass of cava to my lips .

      Odd that you’ve become obsessed with laundry , I wouldn’t have had you down as an obsessive compulsive ! Who knew ?

      Enjoy the rest of your stroll .

    2. I think the ironing board is a good sound bite ! The truth will be revealed when your bags are emptied back at home .

  2. All the photos transport me to where you are.., stuck to the ironing board 🙃seriously impressed with this amazing journey.
