Thursday, 6 October 2022

C de F - Day 4

 Day No. 4 :  Laxe to Praia de Ajou

Today: 18 kms

ToDate:  81 kms : 43%

ToGo: 106 kms

As we started today's walk clouds were scudding across the sky:

There was a hint of Autumn in the air.

What did A A Milne say ...

"I can face the winter with calm. Crisp and sparkling days, long pleasant evenings, cheery fires. 

Good work shall be done this winter. Life shall be lived well. 

The end of the summer is not the end of the world. Here's to October."

We pressed on, undaunted !

By the Faro de Laxe is a statue The Espera - The Waiting.

A woman and her child looking out to sea, hoping for the return of her husband ...

At the top of Peton do Castro the views are truly stunning:

As we walked on, Praia de Soesto came into view:

Time for Elevenses !!

We passed several more wonderful, completely empty beaches.

Praia de Traba 

And then crossed a Boulder Field: 

Shapes for every imagination !!

All too soon we reached Arou, the end of today's walk

The view from the bar :

We are staying overnight for 2 days in Camariñas.

View from the bar by our hotel:

The Camino dos Faros does not disappoint !!


  1. Looks absolutely wonderful. Impressed by the progress you are making so quickly. Enjoy the mini break. God bless all pilgrims. Kathy

  2. Beautiful beaches. Enjoy the day of rest :)

  3. Wow Ric. Looks stunning. Have you met anyone on the way I wonder? Everywhere looks deserted!!!

  4. "The long and winding road..." may your journey continue without any slips! ;-)
