And he rested on the seventh day
Genesis 2:2
After 6 days of walking some 130 kms, it is a Rest Day here in Muxia.
Sunday lunchtime tapas
Rest Days are a crucial part of Pilgrimage.
It has been an "exhilarating" week out on the Costa da Morte 🇪🇸 .
But in the end Pilgrimage is about Pilgrims !
This has been a tough 6 days.
The afternoon of Day 1 and the 10 hours of Day 2 would test even the most experienced of walkers.
But the Lighthouse Lovelies - average age of 67 - have really dug in.
Encouraging each other on the longest of days, the steepest of climbs and the most challenging of Boulder Fields.
A few days ago a friend - closely following from afar - sent me:
On Pilgrimage we all walk together to reach our destination.Two days left to reach Finisterre, the End of the Earth.
What did Confucius say ...
Pilgrim Ric
You didn't even begin think I'd forgotten that sine qua non of Rest Days ...
The Book of Pilgrim Piper
Chapter 1, starting at Verse 1
The Wise Pilgrim always has a freshly washed shirt.
Well Done Ric and Team .