Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Day No.19 - Spoleto to Ceselli & Macenano

Category: Hard
Kms: 20

To Date - Kms: 358
To Go - Kms: 173
Completed: 67%

Pilgrims: Jackie  + Jeff & Me

Spoleto is a stunning city :

Time to say goodbye to Pilgrim Barry who is heading back to 🇬🇧:

Jeff, Jackie & Barry

After overnight at the peaceful Casa Religiosa di Ospitalita San Poziana, it was an early start. 

We walked up to the Pecorso Meccanizzato:

Get thee behind me 
Matthew 16:23

But no escalator for us as we walked up to the Duomo di Santa Maria Assunta in the Piazza del Duomo. 

My Consiglione was there with the Motor:

Oh come on : you didn't really think I was walking The Way! 😉

We walked to the Ponte delle Torri:

But no way across. So we took a 3 kilometre diversion via the Basilica San Pietro:

Then the Piper will lead us to reason
Stairway to Heaven

Up the hill to Monteluco for a drinks stop. 

We had our Panninis in the meadow, high up overlooking the Nera River Valley:

Then it was time for a Walk on the Wild Side:

I heard Lou Reed singing those so familiar lyrics about my fellow walker, Jackie:

On through Pontuglia & Ceselli. 

This really was a Walk on the Wild Side as we walked by the side of the River Nera to reach Journey's End at Macenano. 

A Tough walk & a Top one!! 

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