Monday 14 October 2024

Rest Day: A Day of Strong Foundations

Ciao A Tutti !

Nine days do your walk, but on the tenth day

 do not walk, so that you may rest.

Adapted from : Exodus 23:12

Usually Rest Days are taken as we wander along ...

But this time, our Rest Day is at the End !


A day to enjoy a meander around Agrigento and environs.

First stop: The Police Station

Mi chiamo Salvo, Inspector Salvo Montelbano !

Then to the absolutely stunning Vallei dei Templi, built by the Greeks 25 centuries ago

Described by Henry Adams like "Athens with improvements."

Tempio di Dioscuri

Columns Ancient; & Modern

Tempio di Ercole

Tempio di Giunone

Then on to San Leone for the traditional Pebble Ceremony.

In memory of those who have walked on ahead πŸ’• 

From: The Western Esplanade at Hove

To: The shores of the Mediterranean, looking across the sea to Africa


Even for someone as old as me, 2,500 years ago is very hard to contemplate.

As I walked round the Vallei, I thought of my Grandson Joseph. Just 4 months old, he is setting out on his own Journey of Life.

Once a Piper
Always a Piper 

What Advice might Grandad Ric give him?

Well  ... who better to turn to than a Genius who was born in Duluth, Minnesota.

Did Dylan have the Temples - which have stood for two & a half millenia - in mind when he wrote:

May you have a Strong Foundation

When the Wind of Changes shift

I don't do Covers.

But every Rule has an exception.

This version was sung at a Memorial Service for Steve Jobs, who founded Apple. You may well be reading the Blog on one of their devices.

Please enjoy Norah Jones & Forever Young:


As the Pilgrims prepare to travel back to Palermo for the Run Back to Blighty, it just remains for me to say:

Che il tuo Dio cammini con te!

Until we meet again

May God hold you

Safe ... in the palm of his hand

With Love

Pilgrim Ricardo xxx



So, Ol' Ric, what is the Answer to the third Question ?

Out Soon !!

Sunday 13 October 2024

Day 9: Proper Day Out

 Day 9:  Joppolo Giancacaxio to Agrigento

It's never just about the Stats ...

Today - Kms: 13

Todate - Kms: 185

To Go - Kms: Nil

Completed: #JobDone

The Pellegrini met for Breakfast in Bar Centrale:

A final Group Photo:

A gentle stroll across the valley; and then a first glimpse of the Mediterranean:

One last Uphill Teaser; and we were at the Cathedral for the traditional End of Pilgrimage photo:

With the Testimonium acquired, off to visit San Gerlando cathedral:

The End of Pilgrimage beer was at Caffe Concordia, just near Piazza Sinatra.

I had long intended to have a Good Pilgrim ice-cream at Le Cuspidi.

But - on what was a very hot afternoon - it was just over a mile away ... ...

I was on the point of saying that I wouldn't be going, when I heard a voice say:

Come on, Dad. 

What kind of Piper are you ?

From a window high in the Piazza that so-familiar music could be heard, the one made famous by the grandson of Sicilian migrants to the USA from Lercara Friddi.

My friend, I'll say it clear

I'll state my case, of which I'm certain

I've lived a life that's full

I traveled each and every highway

And more, much more than this

I did it my way.

Regrets, I've had a few

But then again, too few to mention

I did what I had to do

And saw it through without exemption

I planned each charted course

Each careful step along the byway

And more, much more than this

I did it My Way

For any self-respecting Piper, this was not a time for Regrets.

It was always going to be ... off to Le Cuspidi:

Il miglior gelato del mondo?

 SΓ¬, signore!!

It had been - as it always should be:

A Proper Day Out !


Che il tuo Dio cammini con te!

Pilgrim Ricardo



Thoughts from Sicily from an Ol' Pilgrim

We will be joined by two Geniuses ...

As for the Top Tune, I don't do Covers.

Well, except ... ...

Saturday 12 October 2024

Day 8: On Days Like This

 Day 8: Racalmuto to Joppolo Giancacaxio

It's never just about the Stats ...

Today - Kms: 19
Todate - Kms: 172
To Go - Kms: 13

Completed: 93%

A stunning day's walk in glorious sunshine - as it has been every day !

We were back to full complement, with Jackie & Jeff joining us after a "Rest" day.

Boots on the ground by 08.30, please !

The Church of San Fransesco, Racalmuto

From high above Petra di Calathansuderj there were amazing views.
Back to Sutera, where we were 2 days ago:

And East to Mount Etna in the far distance:

Time for a Sicilian Elevenses (aka a Beer) at Comitini:

Soon we were heading up the hill to Joppolo Giancaxio, our final stop before Agirigento.


We all firmly believe that Nietzsche was right:

Discussions on Pilgrimage cover a huge range of topics ...

From the Practical: 
Where shall we get the Paninis ?

To the Political: 
Though about half of πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ voters support Donald Trump, will we ever find one on Pilgrimage ?

I won't pretend that I speak that much.

But I was surprised when Franz & Lillian - Dutch Pilgrims πŸ‡³πŸ‡± we have been walking with for part of each day - said my song should be:

Sound of Silence 

By Simon & Garfunkel

I'll let the other Pilgrims tell you why they all laughed so much !!


Prompted by a text message from a friend of Jackie's in πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§, 
for the last couple of days we have been on the look out for a Car Rally:

We'd almost given up hope; when just outside Grotte ...

As we looked up the road, there was the Rally coming down the valley:

The Red Ferrari's radio was playing a favourite song. 
This one, by Matt Monro:

On Days Like These 
When skies are blue and fields are green
I look around and think about what might have been


Just one day left out on the Magna Via.

Two Daily Blogs
Two Top Tunes

Boots on the Ground: 08.30, please !!


Che il tuo Dio cammini con te!

Pilgrim Ricardo

My Pilgrimage Theme today:

Don't take too much with you.

Cliff & The Shadows got it right:

I got no bags and bags to slow me down
Well, I'm traveling so fast my feet ain't touching the ground ...

Traveling light

Friday 11 October 2024

Days 6 & 7: A Different Corner

Days 6 & 7: Cammarata to Sutera to Racalmuto

It's never just about the Stats ...

Todays - Kms: 46
Todate - Kms: 153
To Go - Kms: 32

Completed: 83%

It's been a couple of Challenging Days out on the Magna Via.

We've long had the Principle:
What goes on Pilgrimage, 
Stays on Pilgrimage !

So I'll leave other Pilgrims to give the Details of just what happened to them.
Suffice to say; 
They showed the Bravery that Pilgrims are renowned for.

Whoso beset him round
With dismal stories
Do but themselves confound;
His strength the more is.

No Lion can him fright,
He'll with a Giant fight,
But he will have a right
To be a Pilgrim.

On Pilgrimage - like in Life - sometimes you can help others.
But sometimes it is others who can help you.

A Massive Thanks to all those in Sutera & beyond who helped the Sicilian Strollers.

As we trudged up the long hill from Campofranco Bridge, built by the Romans:

At the top we passed by Via M Luther King.
The Doctor was right: 
The Good Guys are in the Majority.

In Milena we stopped to buy our Picnic at:

Located in Via Kennedy, I was reminded of what POTUS 35 πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ said:

We choose to do Pilgrimage, not because ...


Thinking back over a couple of Testing Days, Pilgrimage has reminded me of two Key Messages for Life

Firstly, the Importance of Friends:

You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there
And I know when I need it, I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there

And Secondly, New Friends  - ones you suddenly need - may be just around
 A Different Corner: 

Turn a different corner and we never would have met


 Che il tuo Dio cammini con te!

Pilgrim Ricardo

Wednesday 9 October 2024

Day 5: Moving on ...

 Day 5: Castronovo di Sicilia to Cammarata

It's never just about the Stats ...

Today - Kms: 13
Todate - Kms: 107
To Go - Kms: 77

Completed: 58%

After overnight heavy rain, it was a misty start:

We were soon at Capelvenere Necropolis:

Ask not for whom the bells toll
They toll for thee

As we passed through olive groves, I thought of what Paramahansa Yogananda said:

Colle San Vitale - Best Olives in Sicily

Crossing the Bridge over the River Platani:

For Movie Fans: No sign of Colonel Nicholson.

Elevenses at Casale di San Pietro, founded in 1094 by Great Count Roger - in the middle in the photo !

A couple of gentle (??!!) Uphill Teasers and we were on the outskirts of Cammarata:

Pilgrims' Lunch at Bar Sicilia:

And a Good Boy Gelato too:

Finally; We ambled on to do 4 kilometres of tomorrow's walk for our overnight stay at Casale Margherita.

Always good to get ahead of Plan !

As we say in Sicily: 

Pagamento Anticipato 

Altogether, Day 5 was a day for Moving On:



Che il tuo Dio cammini con te!

Pilgrim Ricardo


I hope the Daily Blogs give you some insight into the Joy of Pilgrimage.

In the remaining blogs I'd like to mention just some of the Big Themes, each with its own Top Tune.

First up; All of us walking the Magna Via strongly believe in As always, All welcome.

You'd like to join us, you really would  ... But ...

As David Bowie sang: I'm an Absolute Beginner.

We all have to take that First Step.

May the words of Chris Rea give you the
  Confidence to join us Next Time:

Nothing To Fear

Tuesday 8 October 2024

Day 4: An Old Friend

 Day 4:  Prizzi to Castronovo di Sicilia

It's never just about the Stats ...

Today - Kms: 24
Todate - Kms: 94
To Go - Kms: 91

Completed: 51%

Overnight at B&B Agora
Good food; Amazing prices !!

The Pilgrims stopped at the Bakery:

Then it was past the Undici ponti, part of a long-lost extensive narrow gauge railway system which once operated across much of Sicily.

Elevenses at the top of the Monte Carachi Reserve:

The Wise Pilgrim always carries a Snickers bar

The usual wonderful views:

Looking back towards Prizzi

Plenty of Eucalyptus trees
But ... No sign of Koalas !

The church at Borgo Reina: 

The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the church of our God shall stand for ever.
Isaiah 40:8

Lunch at Santa Caterina:

Pizza from the Bakery 

2 kilometres outside Castronovo we came to one of the Traditions of Pilgrimage.

The Halfway Point - from Palermo to Agrigento !

We remembered - as we always do - a song composed by Gerry Goffin & Carole King.
 (Yes; that Carole King !!)

Plenty have recorded this Top Tune.
Tina Charles, Nick Lowe, Jason Donovan ...

But the Definitive Version was released in 1961.
The singer died in 1983. He was just 43.

But all the time the Good Lord allows me to be a Pilgrim, Mr Billy Fury will always be heard.

I'm only Halfway To Paradise
So near, yet so far away

Tonight ... 
We are staying at the perfectly named 
Casa Paradiso.


Che il tuo Dio cammini con te!

Pilgrim Ricardo


Tomorrow we walk to Cammarata.

Look out for a New Feature in the blog ...