Saturday 12 October 2024

Day 8: On Days Like This

 Day 8: Racalmuto to Joppolo Giancacaxio

It's never just about the Stats ...

Today - Kms: 19
Todate - Kms: 172
To Go - Kms: 13

Completed: 93%

A stunning day's walk in glorious sunshine - as it has been every day !

We were back to full complement, with Jackie & Jeff joining us after a "Rest" day.

Boots on the ground by 08.30, please !

The Church of San Fransesco, Racalmuto

From high above Petra di Calathansuderj there were amazing views.
Back to Sutera, where we were 2 days ago:

And East to Mount Etna in the far distance:

Time for a Sicilian Elevenses (aka a Beer) at Comitini:

Soon we were heading up the hill to Joppolo Giancaxio, our final stop before Agirigento.


We all firmly believe that Nietzsche was right:

Discussions on Pilgrimage cover a huge range of topics ...

From the Practical: 
Where shall we get the Paninis ?

To the Political: 
Though about half of πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ voters support Donald Trump, will we ever find one on Pilgrimage ?

I won't pretend that I speak that much.

But I was surprised when Franz & Lillian - Dutch Pilgrims πŸ‡³πŸ‡± we have been walking with for part of each day - said my song should be:

Sound of Silence 

By Simon & Garfunkel

I'll let the other Pilgrims tell you why they all laughed so much !!


Prompted by a text message from a friend of Jackie's in πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§, 
for the last couple of days we have been on the look out for a Car Rally:

We'd almost given up hope; when just outside Grotte ...

As we looked up the road, there was the Rally coming down the valley:

The Red Ferrari's radio was playing a favourite song. 
This one, by Matt Monro:

On Days Like These 
When skies are blue and fields are green
I look around and think about what might have been


Just one day left out on the Magna Via.

Two Daily Blogs
Two Top Tunes

Boots on the Ground: 08.30, please !!


Che il tuo Dio cammini con te!

Pilgrim Ricardo

My Pilgrimage Theme today:

Don't take too much with you.

Cliff & The Shadows got it right:

I got no bags and bags to slow me down
Well, I'm traveling so fast my feet ain't touching the ground ...

Traveling light


  1. Loved the blog. Matt Monroe song so matched with today.

  2. Great song. Got lost in the moment.
