Sunday 13 October 2024

Day 9: Proper Day Out

 Day 9:  Joppolo Giancacaxio to Agrigento

It's never just about the Stats ...

Today - Kms: 13

Todate - Kms: 185

To Go - Kms: Nil

Completed: #JobDone

The Pellegrini met for Breakfast in Bar Centrale:

A final Group Photo:

A gentle stroll across the valley; and then a first glimpse of the Mediterranean:

One last Uphill Teaser; and we were at the Cathedral for the traditional End of Pilgrimage photo:

With the Testimonium acquired, off to visit San Gerlando cathedral:

The End of Pilgrimage beer was at Caffe Concordia, just near Piazza Sinatra.

I had long intended to have a Good Pilgrim ice-cream at Le Cuspidi.

But - on what was a very hot afternoon - it was just over a mile away ... ...

I was on the point of saying that I wouldn't be going, when I heard a voice say:

Come on, Dad. 

What kind of Piper are you ?

From a window high in the Piazza that so-familiar music could be heard, the one made famous by the grandson of Sicilian migrants to the USA from Lercara Friddi.

My friend, I'll say it clear

I'll state my case, of which I'm certain

I've lived a life that's full

I traveled each and every highway

And more, much more than this

I did it my way.

Regrets, I've had a few

But then again, too few to mention

I did what I had to do

And saw it through without exemption

I planned each charted course

Each careful step along the byway

And more, much more than this

I did it My Way

For any self-respecting Piper, this was not a time for Regrets.

It was always going to be ... off to Le Cuspidi:

Il miglior gelato del mondo?

 Sì, signore!!

It had been - as it always should be:

A Proper Day Out !


Che il tuo Dio cammini con te!

Pilgrim Ricardo



Thoughts from Sicily from an Ol' Pilgrim

We will be joined by two Geniuses ...

As for the Top Tune, I don't do Covers.

Well, except ... ...


  1. Well done Ricardo and other Pilgrims! Benvenuti ad Agrigento. An ice cream well deserved I would say…..

  2. Outstanding! Love that Frank Sinatra classic!

  3. Very well done Ric and all fellow pilgrims..

  4. We loved your company! Thanks for sharing your amazing stories and happiness along the way. You are truly inspiring! Glad we didn’t need to take the taxi. Hugs and kisses Maxim and Inne

  5. Well done to all . True British spirit shown by Jeff who carried on despite being attacked by a pack of dogs .See you soon in old blighty where the weather is rather wet !

    Chris & Sarah

  6. Well done to all pilgrims for completing the walk. Lots of good memories to be shared when you return to the UK.


  7. Really interesting pilgrimage, loved reading your daily blog Ric. Brought back memories of Sicily from long long ago! Well done to all 👏🏻 David and Sandra
