Saturday 5 October 2024

Day 1 : Stairway to Heaven

And it's whispered that soon

If we all call the tune

Then the Piper will lead us to reason.

Stairway To Heaven, Led Zeppelin


Day 1: Palermo to Santa Christina Gela

It's never just about the Stats ...

Today - Kms: 25
Todate - Kms: 25
To Go - Kms: 159

Completed: 13%

The Pilgrims made an early start ...

There was the traditional photo 

In Front of the Cathedral:

The walk out of Palermo:

Elevenses by the Santa Maria Nova Cathedral in Monreale & Lunch in the square at Altofonte:

Great views looking back across Palermo:

And over Autofonte from Santa Maria Addolorata:

As we saw the wonderful Sicilian countryside & the Churches that Pilgrims have passed by for a thousand years ...

... I thought of the words of 1 Peter 5:5:

God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. 

Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time.

As we walked out of Palermo, I saw a Stairway to Heaven.

Someone was Moving In ...

The Pilgrims are Moving On !

Che il tuo Dio cammini con te!

Pilgrim Ricardo


Tomorrow we are off to Corleone.

You remember Corleone, don't you !!


  1. Wonderful photos. I'm very excited about walking this route in the spring.

  2. Ric - love the tribute to Led Zepplin and The Godfather - both personal favorites! Cheers! Simon

  3. Looks like the pilgrims had a bit of a climb to start! Strong! Great to see! ❤️ -Chryssy

  4. I have been to Sicily a couple times and managed with very little Italian. How are you managing it? Also, am nervous about the farm dogs.

  5. I will be one day behind you. Leaving from Monreale today and sleeping in Sant'Agata (no place to sleep found in
    Santa Cristina). Have a nice walk today! Helene, Denmark
